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Continuous Professional Development in Salsa Dance

We are looking for Colleges in the UK that are interested in collaborating with us in developing this innovative Latin dance initiative as a form of their adult learning short courses for adult students.

There’s something about dancing to the sound of music that seems to allow us to escape the challenges life throw at us, regardless of your reasons, one thing’s for sure the physical, mental, emotional, and social health benefits of dancing are endless.

Our Dance School provides an exciting and diverse range of term-time and short course dance study provision. Our beginner’s Salsa dance courses are a perfect way to start if you want to keep active and promote good health and well-being, over the 6-week course you will learn the essential steps and moves and by the end of this introductory session you will be able to put together a small choreography to show your peers.

You do not need to bring a partner, as you will meet plenty of new people who shares the same passion as you to dance. At the start of the course, you will have an opportunity to discuss the content of the course and the assessment criteria with your course tutor, this will give you a chance to set your own personal targets and progression.

At the end of the course, achievement will be measured on whether you meet the course learning outcomes and the attendance levels.

Unit description - Absolute Beginner Level Syllabus (12 hours)


The aim of this Level is to introduce you to the music of Salsa and the basic timings as well as introduce some basic steps and turns.

This unit includes the history of Salsa music, the rhythm 4/4 time, the 8 beat measure (tempo of music), how to break the dance into the count and finding the beginning of the measure (1st beat).

This Level will also look at hand and head positioning, body and hand movement as well as steps and turns, it will also include some basic footwork sequences. Your will also be introduced to the music of Salsa and perform moves in time with the music.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Learn the essential fundamentals and history of salsa rhythms using salsa dance steps, turns and shines.

  • Learn how to lead and follow in and out of partner hold when dancing with and without music.

  • Understand the musical counts and musical tempo of salsa dance.

  • Understand and use Cuban movement and motion during salsa dancing.

  • Learn basic, beginners dance patterns outlined in the syllabus, and put together a simple choreography using the salsa dance steps learnt on the course.

  • Set your own personal goals and keep a dance journal to support your progress.


 Class format and activities


During the duration of your 6 weeks, you will be working independently and in small groups which will allow you to draw on other dance student’s experiences. The course tutor will set assessment activities involving student exchange of ideas and student self-assessment for all students, to ensure you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular constructive and supportive feedback from your course tutor.

Entry requirements

This course does not require any dance or salsa experience. However, it is a requirement that you are prepared to work with different partners and enjoy your class with a positive and enthusiastic attitude.


What you need to know before you enrol


Salsa dancing involves some low impact physical effort! If you have any medical or physical conditions which may be exacerbated by this type of activity, please consult your doctor before starting the course. 

Excellent attendance and punctuality will be required from all students. This course may include some completion of activities outside of class time. Study can include the use of digital resources such as film & photography, useful websites, and connection with online communities of interest via social media to enhance your learning.

Photography and film recording of class activities may be used to aid learning. These images may also be used for publicity or marketing materials produced by our dance school, both online and in print, you will have the opportunity to either confirm or decline consent to being filmed or photographed.

What you need


Please wear clean comfortable shoes, for health and safety avoid wearing trainers as they will restrict your movement and turns. It is also important that you understand dance etiquette and guidance will be given on this aspect.

What you can do next


At the end of your course of study, together with your tutor, you will assess your ability to move onto the next level of study: beginners/improvers/intermediate - as appropriate. However, basic steps are recapped at the start of each new term of study, whatever the level you are at.

Please note that courses are designed so that your tutor can support you and monitor your progress for you to meet your personal goals and that of those of the course. It is advisable that you are confident with the basic steps and dance them with fluidity with or with music before moving on to the next level.

For more information about the content of our course and when our next courses start, please speak to one of our teachers or contact the dance department via our contact page or email us at

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